Web 3.0 Glossary/Digital Assets

Please take a few minutes to enjoy reading this crystal clear and flawless synthesis by Mr Sharad Argawal.
It truly encompasses all that the Web 3.0 Multiverse built on the foundation of the Blockchain technology, has to offer Humanity,
A Multiverse where strong, tight, sustainable, self-sufficient, innovative but also open minded & interconnected communities can & shall emerge with a benevolent & balanced collective operating in a synergetic modality for the direct benefit of all individually involved & participating.
A Multiverse where humanistic values & creative endeavors can be intricately and intrinsically intertwined with cutting edge technologies which have been instilled with benevolence and true decentralization/open source at their genesis.
Quite a powerful and expanding symbiosis, as long as of course, benevolence & true decentralization/open source remain at its core.


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