Mocaverse-Web 3.0/Gaming-Digital assets

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! Part 2

GAMING is ABSOLUTELY one of the main entrance doors for Mass Adoption of Web 3.0 along with SPORT, ENTERTAINMENT, CULTURE,…

So let us all stay tune on GAMING & on the truly decentralized & open source Mocaverse🔥

Let us all continue to follow the precious guidance of trailblazing visionary ANIMOCA BRANDS and of their CEO Yat Siu, passionate “advocate of true digital property rights” as he describes himself and as such, a genuine believer and crucial supporter of sovereign creativity, innovation & freedom 👏 👏 👏

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I'd love to hear from you... Blessings, Carole, a.k.a. Lady Shasta, at your service...