Mindset/Skillset-London Rest Kim Kiyosaki interview

KNOWLEDGE without action is a rootless & purposeless experience, which generates a state of void, and can so easily feed uncertainty, procrastination fear & helpless surrender.

KNOWLEDGE set in MOTION = put into ACTION encompasses WISDOM, which opens a limitless field of possibilities, functioning by nature, as a compounding type of process whose exponential growth is based on the “FAILURE factor/multiplicator”.

The “FAILURE factor/multiplicator” accelerates through ACTION/MOTION.

Nevertheless, as soon as you understand and integrate that FAILURE, once studied, accepted and eventually welcomed, is actually the true engine, the fundamental vector and as such, the power tool of Creation and Self-Actualization, you realize that FAILURE equals OPPORTUNITY given to us as the ultimate universal proactive & repetitive lesson to grow and fully enjoy & experience life in general and wealth in particular as an amazing collectively individualistic & humanistic journey.

The final destination is just a by-product…

These concept and process are truly at the core of this genuine & positive interview of Kim Kiyosaki by Brian Rose, on the London Real Platform.

With her radiant smile, effervescent energy, insatiable curiosity and constant quest/mission of understanding, educating, being of service to others, and as a hardcore entrepreneur, Kim Kiyosaki is simply one of the most genuinely articulated, motivating, inspiring, positive and constructive person I have ever listened to.

Her attitude & her mindset are truly a blessing in those uncertain, challenging and fearful times many and most of us are and have been dealing with and truly a pivotal tool for us to use as now, more than ever before, we-humanity have reached a fork and we-humanity need to chose the best path to follow to not only survive but hopefully thrive.

I invite you to watch & enjoy 🌈

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