
Welcome to a community of creation, expansion, alignment, and healing.

The Lady Shasta Farm Community project is the culmination of Lady Shasta’s journey, exploration, and research, synergistically integrated to foster unity, alignment, healing, and purpose within all of us.

Hello, I am Carole Garnier Louvat, a.k.a. Lady Shasta, at your service...

Within the Lady Shasta Farm Community Project, we will collaboratively develop and implement a multifaceted yet simple model for creating conscious and harmonious communities/retreats worldwide.

Here, we will come together to align and heal our Mind-Body-Spirit, channeling our thoughts, emotions, intention, and attention. Through collaborative action, we will co-create a thriving reality for every individual and the collective, guided by the principle of “One For All and All For One.” Rooted in the present, we build upon the foundations of secular knowledge, innovative technologies, humanistic values, energy flows, vibrations, oscillations, electromagnetic fields, and the sustainable & regenerative resources of our planet.

My vision for this future community/retreat(s) is to harmonize the various elements of Real Estate, our Podcast & Library resources, and our exploration of the digital multiverse. This synthesis of knowledge and skills will allow us to manifest a fearless, sovereign, and conscious reality for the benefit and actualization of all beings on Planet Earth.

Carole Garnier Louvat

My vision for the LADY SHASTA FARM Community/Retreat

LADY SHASTA FARM Community/Retreat is a work in progress but to manifest anything you first need to think it, then to visualize it and finally, to feel it prior to being able to act upon it and create/manifest it.

Therefore, let me share with you my preliminary vision:

Envision rolling hills, mature trees, peaceful animals grazing, colorful and harmonious cultivated fields, captivating perfumes floating in the crisp air and joyful springs running around.

Envision an off-grid homestead, with various simple but inviting structures made from sustainable & eco-friendly materials, decorated with a blend of earthy colors, and adorned by many bay windows inundated with an abundance of natural sun light.

Imagine arrays of fragrant flowers such as lavender, jasmine, roses and so forth, culinary and medicinal herbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil, sage, mint, lily of the valley, chamomile to name just a few.

Listen to the only sounds permeating the air being the birds chirping, the cows mooing, the horses neighing, the donkeys braying, the pigs oinking, the goats bleating, the hens clucking, the roosters crowing, the bees buzzing and the spring water burbling and rippling.

Immersed in the ethereal beauty & natural healing powers of Mother Nature, picture yourself going through a multifaceted & multidimensional centering & grounding journey where you practice sound bathing, yoga, meditation, you navigate through the waves of scalar energy through frequency healing, you experience the magical fusion of animal therapy, you explore & benefit from the arcane of ayurvedic medicine, herbalism, aromatherapy, grounding yourself with tree hugging and savoring the delicious and nutritious food regeneratively grown & harvested on premises.

Safely enjoying within this sanctuary, both self-centered peace and human community connection, interaction and unity gathering by the huge fireplace, sitting by the stream or laying down amidst the gardens.

And so on…

LADY SHASTA FARM Community /Retreat’s core purpose is to guide and support you through your odyssey of alignment and actualization, using a synergetic tool mix from Mother Nature natural resources, humanistic secular knowhow and cutting-edge technologies & skills to help you thrive and fulfill your own dharma while experiencing a deep communion with humankind and planet Earth.

One For All and All For One, journey to attain love, authenticity, freedom, awareness & serenity.