Please watch and enjoy this wonderful interview of Benjamin Charbit, CEO of Life Beyond by Brian Rose on the London Real TV platform.
Benjamin is one of these beyond smart, humble and benevolent extraordinary Web 3.0 visionaries.
Benjamin not only has a gift for creating and implementing a beautiful and powerful project and never seen before built within the Bitcoin Ecosystem but also, for providing all of us with a clear, genuine and simple way of explaining the deep transformative and evolutive key elements that Web 3.0, the Blockchain, AI and so forth with true decentralization/open source at its core, are bringing to Humanity.
The essential and vital concept and magic word is COMMUNITY.
I for one, particularly resonate with what Benjamin calls the new capitalism: the Community Capitalism, where you contribute and consequently benefit as a sovereign individual within a supportive, interactive collective/community which will benefit from each individual contribution and will enhance as well this individual contribution because it is not based on competition but on sovereign contribution for the benefit of all involved within the collective and for each participant 🔥
Community Capitalism is not focused on dominance but on UTILITY for all involved.
I also agree with the crucial role he attributes to gamification loaded with intrinsic values of teaching, learning curve & meaningful life experiences through digital reality.
All of us are already experiencing a huge part of our daily lives through digital reality via social media, zoom calls, using our phones, iPads, laptops, desk tops smart TVs and so forth…but I will qualify this experience as passive and subject to, where we have basically little to no control of but are more and more controlled by…
The meaningful experience that Benjamin describes in a true open source meta verse, is quite the opposite. It is an active act of engagement and contribution which can reward you materially, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, mentally with the constant ability to have control through your ownership of your digital rights.
In that instance, this experience goes beyond the simple benefit of creating and receiving value, it is quite a right of self-expression and self-discovery hence the meaningfulness quality that Benjamin underlines.
This conceptualization is quite exhilarating and liberating so I invite you to watch and listen… 🙂
London Real Ventures is proud to have recently partnered with Life beyond and is looking forward to a fruitful, meaningful and synergetic collaboration for the benefit of all involved and beyond 🌈
Mocaverse-Web 3.0/Gaming-Digital assets
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! Part 2 GAMING is ABSOLUTELY one of the main entrance doors for Mass Adoption of Web 3.0 along with SPORT, ENTERTAINMENT, CULTURE,…